
The word security is also very often used in everyday life. What do we mean by it in general?

“Security”: 1. a basic need and subjective experience in existential and/or existential situations:

when a person is not threatened by any kind of danger or, if so, is able to avoid it…

*Hungarian Encyclopedia, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1995

…you or your company are not threatened by any danger?
…Are you able to identify and avoid a potential source of danger?
… Do you have all the means to prevent, detect and mitigate potential damage?

If NO, you need the services and highly qualified staff of SYRC Security Ltd. and the state-of-the-art technology used by our company to avoid unexpected events and to answer the above questions with a “yes”.

The existence, development and expansion of SYRC Security Ltd. in Hungary, its continuously growing turnover and its services covering all segments of the personal and property protection market are a true reflection of the trust of our clients and the stable and balanced economic background of the company.


Professional asset protection is an investment that pays off, as you invest in peace of mind knowing your assets are safe. By choosing our company, you benefit from the following advantages:


Our company has professional liability insurance with Generali Biztosító Zrt., under which we fully indemnify any damage caused by us to our contracting partners or third parties.

In our service activities, we pay particular attention to the recommendations of MABISZ and the Chamber of Personal and Property Protection, and to the principles of property protection services laid down in international standards.

Our services are guaranteed by a professionally trained management team, a stable staff with integrity, a client-centred company strategy, an insurance background and the right references.